Sunday, March 29, 2009

CapitaRetail China - $0.825?

CapitaRChina 27 Mar 09
Following property counters in China run-up and Yanlord's surge, CapitaRChina could see $0.825 (where the short and mid term uptrendlines + natural horizontal resistant meet) in the coming days, I think.

Yanlord - $1.32?

Yanlord 27 Mar 09
Super surge on 27th March 09, but pullback due to profit taking.
Mid term and short term trend lines all pointing to $1.32.
Likely to see resistant at $1.25 before this target of $1.32..

Noble -false breakout?

Noble 27 Mar 09
Noble broke $1.26 and hit $1.31, but closed at $1.22 (below high volume of $1.25) on 27th March 2009.
Is it a false breakout or due to profit-taking?
We have to see how it performs in the next few days.
Undeniably, Noble is on short and mid term uptrends.

Chartered Semiconductor

Chartered Semiconductor 27 Mar 09
First day breakout on 27 March 09.
First support at $0.125.
Likely to see $0.19 for this bounce.
First resistant at $0.15.